Friday, October 21, 2022


'Changing the Literary Map of Africa' contains a wealth of information on African literature, history and culture for people interested in World Literature, Postcolonial Studies, Languages, African Studies or Pan-Africanism. The topics covered in this work include:


- The Tribe Speaks: What Indigenous Africans Think of 'Afropolitanism' and Diasporic Literature

- Languages and Culture in Africa

- Culture Talk: Translating World Literatures

- The Hidden Pre-Colonial History of Africa

- Culture Codes: Different Strokes for Different Folks?

- How the Book World is Adapting to Digital Environments

- The Thorny Issue of Race in Literature

- The Effects of Colonialism on the African Continent

- Comparative Literature: A Glimpse into the Literatures of North America, India, the Arab World and China

- African Literary Awards and the Case for an ‘African Nobel Prize’

- Literary Festivals and Book Fairs Around the World 




'In compiling “Changing the Literary Map of Africa” ...he aggregated a wide variety of perspectives on key topics related to the industry, such as the legacy of colonialism in publishing, the growing tension between diaspora African writers and those who stay at home, and the need for more African book prizes.' - Publishers Weekly


‘Fascinating, well written and makes some very interesting and valid points.’ – European cultural website


'Highly resourceful research material...We in the Association of Nigerian Authors(ANA) welcome such insightful work that will deepen our understanding of contemporary literary productions in the continent and beyond.' - Senior ANA official



Title: ‘Changing the Literary Map of Africa’

Year of release: 2019

Pages: 381

Format: PDF

Size: 5.87 MB


Interested? E-mail admin(at) for details.